OZITECH - GAMESowner of the Company respects the privacy of its users ("User" or "You"). We ought to protect policy of the users irrespective of the age. We believe that you do have obvious rights to know our practices regarding the information we may gather from users and use when users use our mobile applications such as games, and apps "The Products" and website, accordingly. (The Products and website together is referred as the "Service").


We strictly comply with all relevant legislative & legitimate requirements, and, in the event of any inconsistency, the legislative requirements will override the provisions of this document.


However, we reserve the rights to amend our Privacy Policy at any time without any prior notification to the users, and such amendments will be effective right from the date and time of issuance on our website.


If you are a minor at law (which usually means you are under 18 years of age in countries including Australia and the United States, though this age may vary depending on your location), and in such case, user must get parental/guardian permission to get agreed with our terms. We may collect Non-Personal Information, such as device ID, other persistent identifier linked to the device or computer, which may be used by a child to use the Service.


Consent: By Connecting, Entering, Accessing or Using our Apps/Web you agree to Privacy Policy and it clearly clarify us that you have carefully read about the collection and use of your personal and non-personal information through our apps and website and support channels.  In case of any concerns or to opt out, generously cease yourself from using our WEB and for Apps and Games you can simply Opt Out from within the app/game from Privacy Controls.


Information We Collect: We may collect information to improve user experience. Following are the information we usually get via our web, games and apps.


·        Personally Identifiable Information

This information may identify an individual or may be of a private and/or sensitive nature. Users of the Site/App/Game automatically provide their IP address (or Mac Address) mainly for enhancing the User’s experience and for geo-location and security purposes as further detailed below. In addition, Personal Information which is being gathered consists of any personal details provided consciously and voluntarily by the User:


We do not collect any Personal Information from you or related to you without your approval, which is obtained, through your active acceptance to the Terms and the Privacy Policy and from Consent Dialog from within App/Game.



·         Non-Identifiable Data/Information

This portrays that we are wholly unaware of the user from whom we collect information non-identifiable information. Non-Personal Information is any open information which does not enable identification of an individual User, and which is available to us while such User is entering into and/or using the Site/App/Game. Non-personal Information which is being gathered consists of technical information, behavioural information and aggregated information, and may contain, among other things, the activity of the User on the Site/App/Game, type of operating system, User's 'click-stream' or searches on the Site, type and version of browser, keyboard language, screen resolution, etc.


·         Regular Information/Unexceptional Information

All web servers track basic information about their visitors. This information includes, but is not limited to, IP addresses, browser details, timestamps and referring pages. None of this information can personally identify specific visitors to this site. The information is tracked for routine administration and maintenance purposes and let us know what pages and information are useful and helpful to visitors.


How We Collect Data/Enlightenments: Information can be gathered automatically and programmatically, both indeed. Like;

1.      When user usually browsing our Site

2.      When user play our app/game

3.      When user contacts us via Email, social media medium i.e., Facebook and/or other Support Channels also


Purpose of Data/Information Collection

1        Non-Personal data is being used solely for sake of statistical and research and for customization and improvement of our Site/App/Game

2       To respond back users, their information is being used when users contact us by Emails/Facebook or to reply their reviews in the same manner.

3     Personal Information including Location/IP address is being used to show Ads according to respective location of the user. In general terms we call this contextual advertisement.

4        We use the information we collect about you/your device to deliver services to you and to operate our business. Such use by us and by our Partners may include:

Information Broadcast: Usually, we, as owner of the account, will not use or reveal personal information of our users otherwise than for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to you, for any other purpose that you may reasonably expect, for any other purpose authorized by law, or for any other purposes disclosed to or authorized by you. This may include disclosures to organizations that provide us with professional advice, such as solicitors, accountants and business advisors.

It may be necessary for the information to be disclosed to other organizations in the course of our provision of services, or for the conduct of our business. These other organizations may include other parties involved in the provision of services to you, our business partners involved in the software, applications and/or services we provide to you, and other organizations providing services to us, such as payment processors or hosting services. We direct all such organizations to maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed to them and to not use your information for any purpose other than to provide services on our behalf or to us.

We may use your personal information to provide you with any goods, services, or functionality you have requested; to respond to any inquiries you have made through our customer service features, to send you newsletters, promotions or marketing materials. We will provide you with the opportunity to opt out of receiving such materials in the future. You may also opt out of receiving such materials at any time in accordance with the instructions provided in this Privacy Policy.

Non-Personal Information may be used by us for administrative, analytical, statistics compilation, research, optimization, security and other purposes. Specifically, we may use your Non-Personal Information to respond to customer service inquiries and to protect against cheating, crime or fraud or for other security reasons and for providing you advertising that better suits your interests. We may collect your Non-Personal information to track your use of our Websites/Apps to help us learn more about your gaming activities and understand your preferences and tendencies so that we can personalize your experience, provide you with in-game offers and notifications that are tailored to you, and otherwise enhance your gaming experience.

We may provide aggregated or anonymous information to third parties for the purposes of developing and delivering targeted advertising. We will not share your personal information with such third parties without your consent.

We may use information held about you to verify your compliance with any terms and conditions that may apply to the use of our software, applications and/or services.

The precise information required to be provided will vary depending on the circumstances requiring disclosure of that information.

Any personal information submitted to us online, including via the software and/or services, may need to be processed by a third party. By submitting personal information online or via the software and/or services, you consent to the disclosure of that information to a third party, who may be located overseas, for the sole purpose of processing the submitted information.

Below are provider names of some of the third-party analytics and advertising services we use. Please see the links below to learn more about the privacy policy of our third-party service providers.


·         Admob:                       https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

·         Unity Ads:                   https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy/

·         Chartboost:                https://answers.chartboost.com/hc/en-us/articles/200780269-Privacy-Policy

·         Google Analytics:       https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

·         Firebase:                     https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

·         Game Analytics:         http://www.gameanalytics.com/privacy/

·         AppLovin:                   https://www.applovin.com/privacy/

·         IronSource:                http://www.ironsrc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ironSource-Privacy-Policy.pdf

·         Heyzap:                               https://www.heyzap.com/legal/privacy/

·         ConsoliAds:                 http://web.consoliads.com/privacy-policy/

·         Adcolony:                   https://www.adcolony.com/privacy-policy/

·         Mopub:                       https://www.mopub.com/legal/privacy/


Advertising: By using our Website/Apps, you may be offered advertising content. We or the ad networks we use may utilize ad-serving technologies that use cookies, beacons, tracking pixels and other technologies that are placed within the ads and allow us or our networks to collect Non-Personal Information. Non-Personal Information such as age and gender may be used to ensure that appropriate advertising is offered to you. Usage Data and Non-Personal Information such as advertising identifiers may be used to determine how many clicks an ad received, to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns, to determine the proper amount of repeat views of a given ad, and/or to deliver ads that best relate to your interests. Depending on your device and its operating system, you may be able to choose to prevent your device’s ad identifier being used for interest-based advertising or reset your device’s ad identifier by changing the settings of your device.


Oversea Transfer of Information: You expressly agree that we may transfer and store your information on servers and equipment located in any territory, including, without limitation, Australia and the United States of America etc.


Security: We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent any misuse, theft, loss, alteration, destruction, unauthorized access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.



Links to Other Websites/Apps/Games: Our game may contain advertising and links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information, which you provide whilst visiting such sites and this privacy statement does not govern such sites. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


MinorsTo use of Site/App/Games, you must be over the age of thirteen. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of thirteen and does not wish to do so. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any stage so that we can verify that minors under the age of thirteen are not using the Site.


OptOut: We have created an opt-out option within our Apps. You may choose it by visiting Privacy Controls and Selection No from Consent Screen, the Consent Screen is shown when you launch the App/Game for the first time, afterwards if you wish to change you can do it from Privacy Controls from within the app. Opting Out will mean that you will still be served ads, but they will not be tailored to your preferences. Opting out will also effect on Analytics and other 3rd Party SDKs used. Please note you cannot OptOut when you are using our website.


Discard of User Information: We hereby inform our users that whenever we will not be needed our user’s affiliated/non-affiliated information, we will delete all their data, wouldn’t matter its nature. Also we will make sure the exact data deletion of our users by all third party partners. Meanwhile, user can also contact us if wish to discard its data/information. But we will be needed some prior information of that user to delete that information of the users. Feel free to contact us on below given email id for further queries and deletion of your data as well.


Email us: oziappstudio@gmail.com